What a fantastic opportunity PRSC created by holding an open day for Christchurch EC I2 owners at Lake Pegasus. The buzz was was so strong that even a Kapati EC12 and skipper, made the trip down. A shame that a few more couldn’t get there. From what we know this is the first EC I2 class racing held at Pegasus, but in saying that, the feed back from some was they wish they knew there were going to be 9 (unfortunately one didnt make it to the water ) EC 12s at Pegasus, we would love to sail ours there. Fellow lakesiders were taking pictures as the sight was magnificent, even club members that were not sailing were amazed at the sight of these majestic boats racing in stable winds.

Today was such a success that our Kapati friend is keen to go back and promote an inter club challenge at PRSC next year , Maybe a Canterbury Champs?

Today we had 4 past EC 12 National Champions sailing, all with excitement. Some of these boats had not seen water since 2004. But with an option for open water sailing and easy access to lake side with perfect conditions they took the option for a sail.

  • Congratulations to Chris K for the win today. The racing was great and the day lead to becoming the first PRSC EC12 club Champs
  • Once the word gets out on how easy and enjoyable sailing EC 12s at Pegasus is, the fleet can only grow. A beach to easily adjust settings if needed. (Gumboots optional)

I know there are plenty of EC 12s floating around. Get in touch and let’s see more of these beautiful vessels on the water.

Then a casual refreshing drink at “The Good Home ” and a prize giving.

See You next time.

Darryl 79
